charlie Wade 6936

When Helena stepped into the data center, she did not bring any royal entourage or attendants with her. Instead, she brought more than twenty staff members wearing blue cotton work clothes, anti-static gloves, masks and protective caps.

Most of these staff members are technical personnel mobilized by the An family from the United States, but there are four non-professionals who are just filling in the gaps, namely charlie Wade and Lin Wan’er, second uncle Homula, and retired detective Li Yalin.

Helena was the one who came forward to conduct the transaction with the Rothschild family this time, so charlie Wade did not want Howard to know that the wade family and the An family were involved. Homula and Li Yalin were both well-known figures in the United States, especially Homula, who had long been the head of the An family’s external business. Howard naturally knew him, so everyone simply put on masks and blended in with the group of staff.

Howard’s attention at this moment was not on these staff members in uniform.

Because according to the daily operating standards of this highest-level data center, staff do need to wear anti-static cotton clothing. Gloves, hats, and masks are also necessary equipment. The staff behind him who are building the AI ​​model actually have the same equipment. The only two people on the scene who did not change their clothes are him and Helena.

Howard was naturally very happy to see Helena. He walked up to her quickly and kissed her hand. Then he said respectfully, “Your Majesty, it’s an honor to meet you again!”

Helena maintained the pride and reserve that a queen should have, and said loudly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you in Northern Europe, Mr. Rothschild. What is the current progress here?”

Howard pointed to the endless large cabinets behind him and said excitedly, “Your Majesty, these cabinets you can see are all loaded with the most advanced computing chips. My engineers told me that they are now in standby mode, so you will find that the machines inside these cabinets are very quiet. But once they are given instructions to operate at full capacity, the roar of these machines will be comparable to a Boeing 747 taking off! When all the processors here are running at full capacity, the power they need to operate will be comparable to the power demand of a small city! It will be spectacular!”

Helena nodded slightly and said, “Then let’s put them all into operation. I want to see how powerful it is when all its computing power is concentrated on performing a computing task!”

AI data centers of the same size in New York, USA, provide various types of AI computing services to at least tens of millions of people at the same time. Although some calculations can call on the computing power of the user’s local device, most of the computing work is still completed by the data center in the cloud, and the results are then sent to the user’s terminal device.

In other words, ordinary people can only use one millionth of the computing power of this data center at most.

If all this computing power is concentrated on one task, its execution will be beyond everyone’s normal cognition.

Howard didn’t understand how this model worked, so he said to a technician beside him, “Hank, run the model and demonstrate it to Her Majesty the Queen!”

“Okay, Mr. Rothschild!” The technician named Hank immediately said, “Your Majesty, please move to the main console. The local execution end of the entire AI model is integrated in the central console. I will demonstrate the startup and operation of the model to you and your staff, and then hand over the online execution authority to your staff.”

Helena nodded: “Thank you for your hard work.”

Everyone moved to the center of the computer room, where there was an island similar to a command center. In addition to various control devices, there were also several large ultra-clear screens suspended from the ceiling, which displayed the real-time status of the entire AI model with charts and numbers.

Hank stood in front of the computer in the center. As he hit the Enter key, a cold female voice immediately came out from the surrounding speaker system: “The system is starting. Please enter the password for identity verification.”

Hank immediately entered a series of passwords on the keyboard, and then the system reminded again: “Enter the biometric verification stage. Please place both hands on the palm print recognition panel and look directly at the camera for facial recognition.”

Hank did as he was told and began to introduce, “Since the model needs to be constantly trained and the database updated, it needs to crawl all new content that can be crawled on the Internet 24 hours a day. We have now connected the model to the Internet. For security reasons, the system requires very strict identity verification before it can operate.”

Then he introduced: “The palm print recognition panel can not only recognize fingerprints and palm prints, but also detect the body temperature, heart rate and blood oxygen of the main body. In other words, only living people can pass the verification.”

As he spoke, the LED light next to the camera facing him suddenly began to flash various colors at a very fast speed. Hank added, “The facial recognition system will also verify biological survival. It can not only detect subtle changes in the pupils, but also use infrared to detect the body contour of the verifier and whether it is the same body as the palm print verification. At the same time, it can randomly flash 40 different colors within one second. The camera will capture the color reflected by the verifier’s face at the same time to ensure consistency, thereby preventing hackers from hacking the camera or deceiving the camera in other ways. In addition, our camera can construct the 3D contour of the face through the reflection of different parts of the face to ensure that the person in front of it is a real person, not a simulated mask or simulation model. Relying on its own powerful computing power, it can subdivide my face into tens of millions of details for intelligent comparison. Even if there is a person who looks 99% similar to me, it is impossible to deceive it.”

After a series of authentication decisions, the system finally sounded a prompt: “Verification successful, welcome to GPT, I will be at your service at any time.”

Hank turned around, looked at Helena, and said respectfully: “Your Majesty can now give orders to the AI. The large screen in the center is her presentation terminal. She will present the results you need to you here.”

Helena asked him, “What can I ask her?”

“Everything.” Hank said, “She can answer any question for you. If her database has an authoritative answer to your question, she will tell you the answer directly. If her database does not have an authoritative answer, she will use her own computing power to think of an answer that she thinks is correct and give it back to you. At the same time, she will explain to you that the answer is her subjective judgment and it is up to you to decide whether to adopt it.”

Hank then added, “But Your Majesty, I personally suggest that you don’t just ask her questions. That’s too easy for her. Her real ability is to retrieve massive amounts of information and process massive amounts of calculations. You should have known before that our new version already supports AI-generated videos, but that kind of video is also produced when the computing power is relatively dispersed. You have 100% of the computing power of this system, so you can definitely make more demanding demands on her.”

Helena thought for a moment and said, “I want her to retrieve all the surveillance videos from the time I came in until now, and then erase me from the videos without a trace.”

Hank nodded, pressed the talk button, and said, “Please erase the image of Queen Iliad from all surveillance videos from the time she entered the house until now.”

The system prompt said: “The facial features of Queen Iliad have been compared in the surveillance video and are being processed.”

Almost at the same time, the cabinets around everyone suddenly emitted an extremely sharp whistling sound. It was the high-speed whistling sound produced by the cooling fans running at full speed in an instant, just like the sound of an airplane’s engine running at maximum thrust when taking off!

What is even more incredible is that almost at this moment, the temperature of the entire hangar rose instantly. Every opportunity was like a huge electric heater, generating a large amount of heat energy in an instant.

Then the cooling system of the entire computer room started up and the noise became even louder.

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